PLAYING SHEET, UPGRADE STICKERS and CAMPAIGN BOOKLET: This content is included but under heavy testing and NOT APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE BY WW! Removed envoys (in step 3) are removed from the game (not moved back to their home region). Feedback appreciated.ĮRRATA: There is a mistake on the rule card for Battleground A (War of the Princes).

We are aware of the shortcomings and working on fixing them. USER INTERFACE / COLOR BLIND FRIENDLINESS: Unfortunately, the current prototype is NOT very user-friendly, especially to those with color blindness issues, troubled eyesight and VtM beginners. Expect 21 campaign games, 6 new battlegrounds and dozens of new and different unlockables in the full game! Included are a “Custom Game” mode as well as the first 3 games of the campaign. LIMITED CONTENT: This demo contains only a very small part of the full game. Especially note that the “generic nude” characters are placeholder artwork and will be replaced by unique artwork in the full game. This means that all artwork, gameplay and design is preliminary and not reflective of final quality.

WORK-IN-PROGRESS: The game is still in development. Will you be able to carve out your own place among these mythical monsters, shaping your Heritage according to your true desires? In this Europe, creatures like Mithras, Vampiric Prince of London, born millenia ago in Persia -or Cappadocius, the ancient methuselah of the Clan of Death- wield the true power. It is the nature of this world that unless one were Caine, the first vampire himself, one can never be sure that what one perceives as a masterful plan sprung from the imagination of one’s own mind is not in fact the result of a subtle nudge towards what another, even more powerful and secretive entity has conceived. A world of immortal, blood-craving monsters directing those flows, guiding -and sometimes forcing- events ever more towards whatever corrupt intent they are pursuing. This is the Europe of the year1300 – but not quite like in the history books: Behind the plots of the mortal rulers and the visible ebb and flow of history, there is another world to discover. Welcome to Vampire: The Masquerade – Heritage.